Sunday, October 15, 2006

Winifred Bennett, 71

I don't have my philosophical questions. I think the deepest one I have currently are "Why do people feel the need to add 's' to everything? For godsakes it's 'Farmer Jack' not 'Farmer Jacks', 'Ford' not 'Fords', 'Meijer' not 'Meijers'." Whatever. I'm not quite as inquizitive as Winifred Bennett, who causally suggested during dinner one night that DNA testing might resolve the historical question if Thomas Jefferson was the father, of at least, one of Sally Hemings children, Jeffersons slave.
Her question was futher examined by Dr Eugene Foster, a retired pathologist. His findings opened up the floodgates and it was soon determined, that in all probablity, Jefferson not only fathered one of Sally Hemings children but perhaps was the father of all six of her offspring.

Ms. Bennett passed away from kidney failure.

July 12, 1935 - October 7, 2006 - R.I.P.

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Gerry Studds, 69

I stand for nothing. Hell, it even says it at the top of this blog. I do have the deepest admiration of people that have strong convictions; that have ideals that are for the good of all humans. There are many things out in the world that bother me but I've never really taken a public firm stance. I did march in an anti-war rally back in college but I'm not sure if that counts, I just did it because everyone else on my dorm floor was going. It was the strangest thing though. I was on the side that shouted "Support our Troops. Bring them home!" the opposing side was shouting "Give peace a chance". I guess we wanted the same thing we just couldn't agree on the right slogan.
Congressman Gerry Eastman Studds D-Mass was one of those guys that stood up for many things; most importantly his constituents in the fishing industry, an important economic base in his home state. He was the Chairman of the Fish and Wildlife Subcommittee and was ranking member of the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans. His passion continued even after his retirement from political life in 1997. In 1996, Congress named a 842-square-mile parcel of land after him in recognition of his work protecting the marine environment. The Gerry E. Studds Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary in Providencetown, MA is devoted to research and education of marine wildlife.
He was the first openly gay Congressman which he admitted during a 1983 sex scandal involving a 17 year old page. His lifestyle and this scandal did not hurt his political career and was re-elected to Congress even after being censured.
Mr Studds collapsed while walking his dog. It was determined that he had a blood clot in his lung. While he did regain consciousness his condition soon deteriorated after a second blood clot. He is survived by his husband of 2 years whom he married in a ceremony in Massachusetts after the state legalized homosexual marriage.

May 12, 1937 - October 14, 2006 RIP

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

This Death In History: Orson Welles, 70

What makes a person a genius? Determination? Hard Work? Timing? Talent? Luck? A set of balls the size of Texas? Who the hell knows. I know I'm not one. Hell, if you've read any of this blog you should know that by now.
I started doing this write up about how much I loved 'Citizen Kane' and that his talent was unappreciated, that was until I started doing more research on him. There is no doubt that this man was talented but I think some of the eccentricities were far more interesting.

He did the voice over for the Star Wars original trailer.
The voice of Unicron for Transformers: The Movie
The introduction to an episode of Moonlight "The Dream Sequence Always Rings Twice"
A Pea Commericial
A commerical appearance for Paul Mason Wines

After his death a former neighbor of Elizabeth Short (a.k.a. the Black Dahlia) accused Orson Welles of being a suspect in the actresses murder.

He passed away from a heart attack in his home in the Hollywood Hills

May 6, 1915 - October 10, 1985

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Monday, October 02, 2006

Dr. David Graham, DDS, 67

I don't make it a secret my feelings about September 11th. If the U.S. government wasn't involved in some level at least they were negligent in failing to do as much as they could to prevent the events of that day. I know I'm not alone in this opinion...but as a US citizen I have every right to think this. I may be a little off center but I don't believe in coquencedences...I think there is an explaination behind everything. Just don't know who or why the truth isn't fully out there. I'm not beating down just the Republicans or Democrates. Both parties are full of men and women that crave power and the secrets that are apparently inheirnt with power.
But whatever...I'm not trying to make this a political site. There are plently of other places on the net for that.
I wonder why some of the main stream media doesn' t pick up on stories like that of Dr. David Graham. He was a Shreveport dentist that claims he met three of the hijackers in Shreveport and warned the FBI 10 monthes before 9-11 that they might be planning an attack. Dr. Graham wrote a book that he was trying to get published. He was scheduled to testify at a deportation hearing against a Pakistani man, Jamal Khan who hosted the men that Graham believed to be the highjackers.
Dr Graham mysteriously fell ill. His family says he was poisoned more then two years ago and suffered organ failure was at one point on life support.

May 21, 1939 - September 17, 2006 - RIP

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