Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ed Bradley, 65

I wasn’t a huge 60 Minutes fan. Probably because of Andy Rooney or possibly because it was the only thing on Sunday nights that my Grandpa would watch and at the time they only had the one television set and I just didn't care about the news back then. Later on in life I occasionally listened to it…some AM station broadcast it on Sunday nights, and for the life of me I can’t remember why, but I used to drive some insane amount on Sundays, to and from somewhere. Probably for some asshat I was dating at the time that didn’t have a car or who knew that I’d be willing to haul my derrière out to his place at the drop of a hat rather then wasting any of his time because I was just waiting for his call. I seem to attract these guys but that’s probably because of some deep seated attention hungry neurosis that I have from childhood. I’m trying to break this habit but so far I’m doing a piss poor job of it. And NO I’m not taking applications for this position!


The long & the short of it is that one of the anchors I ending up liking was Ed Bradley. He spent 25 seasons on the long running Sunday news show starting during the 1981 – 1982 season. His career was deep seated at CBS, he started out there in 1976 as a White House correspondent. I supposed one thing that I appreciated was that he was a little different then the rest; I never quite understood the earring but hey I have my one ear pierced 13 times a lot of people don’t seem to understand that either. He did win a bunch of news broadcasting awards including a Peabody Award, three Emmy's, a Lifetime Achievement Emmy, as well as many others. I know that I, along with many others, think that he did an incredible job of interviewing Howard Stern without making Howard seem like a total deranged, perverted loser. That's worth something.

Mr Bradley passed away from complications of leukemia.

June 22, 1941November 9, 2006


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